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"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed."
Proverbs 19:17



Tinned potatoes


Rice pudding

Tinned pasta

Tinned meat (e.g. stew, chicken, ham)

Tinned fruit

We also accept donations of basic toiletries such as soap and toothbrushes. These can also be placed in donation points.
Unfortunately we cannot accept donations of infant formula or baby food.
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Holiday LunchPacks - Summer holidays 2024

If you have applied for a voucher for the Holiday LunchPack scheme from your child's school, you will be able to collect your first pack from Monday 22nd July.

Find out more information about collection days and what you need to bring with you here.

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Pathways for getting help

Help Through Hardship

Help Through Hardship is a helpline coordinated by Citizens Advice and Trussell Trust.

Advisors can help address your crisis and provide support to maximise your income, help you navigate the benefits system, and identify any additional grants you could be entitled to. If needed, they’ll issue you with a voucher so you can get an emergency food parcel.

Call 08082082138 or free and confidential advice

Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Cost of Living

Both council authorities in West Cumbria (Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness) are providing many pathways to support during the current Cost of Living crisis.

You can find these on their websites, depending on which type of support you require.

Financial Inclusion


We have a current project in partnership with Citizens Advice offering in-person financial advice in our six centres, covering topics such as debt and benefits.

You can find out more about this project on our Get Help page by clicking this link.

Did you know we have a Youtube channel?

Check out our latest video here, featuring Timmy the Tuna!

Schools Worker

Our Schools Worker spreads the Gospel message and the work that North Lakes Foodbank does in schools across the local area.

This can be through assemblies and lessons which are centred on a theme. If you are a teacher and are currently teaching a certain theme, get in touch with Stuart our Schools Worker who can deliver a lesson on your chosen theme.

Find out more about the Schools Worker's work here.

give food

Visit one of our centres to give food or drop it off at in a supermarket collection bin


There are so many ways to work with us at North Lakes Foodbank


Pray with us for our area. Download our prayer diary here

Donate money

Donate financially directly to North Lakes Foodbank

Receiving food

If you have a Foodbank voucher, follow the link below to find out what times our centres are open and where you can collect your food from.

If you need emergency food and do not yet have a voucher, follow the link below to find out how to get help and receive your Foodbank voucher.

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© North Lakes Foodbank   |   Part of the work of Cockermouth Christian Centre   |   Reg Charity no. 1067541

Website by

Seeded by the Trussell Trust

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